
The secret to enhancing the power of the mind.





Mental training is useful in many aspects of life. For example, if you're a sport athlete, mental training can help you push your limits and improve your performance. If you're in the business world, it will help you to be more confident in presentations and important negotiations. Even in your daily life, mental control makes you able to cope with stress and maintain peace of mind.

Mental training practices techniques such as meditation and visualisation to improve concentration, and affirmations to improve self-esteem. You can also learn how to recognize your own thought patterns and change negative thoughts into positive ones. This helps to draw out positive energy from within the mind and build strength to face challenges.

One research at Major League Baseball has shown that even the strongest of players' batting averages drop about 20% when under pressure. As this data shows, there is an underlying fact that we humans are vulnerable under pressure. Did you know that mental training has already been adopted by many baseball teams, the NBA, and Olympic training centers in the United States? They are strengthening the control of their thoughts and images so that they can outperform themselves in large competitions.

Mental training doesn't require special tools or places and is available to anyone. By guiding your mind to a better state, you will be able to reach a more fulfilling life than ever before. If you are interested, please give mental training a try. We are sure that it will help you unleash your inner power and support you in moving forwards the future.


The Difficulty of Handling Pressure and Performing at Your Best





Getting nervous is part of being human. This is happens more often when we are facing some kind of challenges. Because of the way that human brains and bodies are wired together, it is extremely difficult to do our best in a pressured environment, it is no wonder that performances drop off. For example, in a situation where this one shot decides the outcome of the game, when they sense a greater attention from the audeience, it is so common for people to make mistakes because they become more concerned about the eyes of others than their present. Sports psychology and mental training studies the differences between those who and who are not able to achieve high performances, and to control thoughts and images in important situations.

Sports psychology and mental training studies the differences between those who are and who are not able to achieve high performances in highly stressed situations., and to control thoughts and images in important situations. These disciplines aim to help individuals control their thoughts and imagery, and enabling them to excel in high-stress situations.

In the sports psychology world, mental training explores the control of thoughts and images based on a variety of examples and studies. For example, in Major League Baseball, the difference in batting average between chances and non-chances was studied. It is said that on average there is a 20% difference in batting average when performing in pressured situations, indicating that even the top players could be vulnerable to pressure. This naturally applies to ordinary people as well, whether in the stadium or conference room, or living room, demonstrating ones full potential can be difficult . Mental training is used to solve this kind of problem.


Examining the Relationship Between Pressure and Performance in Major League Baseball






The Purpose and Methods of Mental Training

26 teams out of 30 teams in the Major League Baseball, employs full-time mental trainers. Many NBA teams also incorporates mental training. The U.S. Olympic Training Center also has five mental trainers on staff, and athletes train with their coaches using mental training.

In the actual training, athletes practice mental training by following a manual handed from the trainers. One of the basic strategies is to focus on what they can control. You cannot control the game results, the performance of your opponents, or the near weather, but you can control your thoughts and images. Through this training builds the skill to have the right thoughts and images in any situation and to be able to perform at close to 100%.





To achieve higher results - please tell us your story

I have studied mental training in the U.S. and applied it to athletes and business people in Japan. Many people I have worked with are achieving higher results.

You may have some issues and concerns in your life. Please tell us your story, and let's explore the clues to solving your issues together.